Swadro S | TS

Side delivery rotary rakes

Swadro S | TS

Side delivery rotary rakes

The ­KRONE Swadro S and TS line-up of rotary rakes offers the largest choice of side delivery rakes in the market. Our programme comprises an unmatched number of models and variants – from the single-rotor rakes for non-contiguous fields all the way up to the Swadro TS 970, the world’s most unique three-rotor rake for maximum productivity and harvester capacities.

  • The ­KRONE Swadro S/TS programme of rotary rakes lines up the largest number centre delivery rakes on the market – from the Swadro single-rotor rake to the world's largest side delivery rake, the Swadro TS 970, offering working widths from 3.80 m to 9.70 m.
  • In addition to that, each model is available with multiple options and operator comfort features.
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Product video

KRONE Swadro S 380 | S 420 | S 460

The new harvest season will see new additions to the KRONE rotary rake programme. The three new single-rotor models – the Swadro S 380, Swadro S 420 and Swadro S 460 – are three-point mounted machines for attachment to the rear linkage via a small and compact headstock that features a tracking mechanism and balancing arm. 

Product video

KRONE Swadro TS 970

Raking nearly 20 metres (65'7") into one double windrow, the KRONE Swadro TS 970 is the ideal match for a high-capacity precision-chop forage harvester. Offering stunning work rates of up to 10 ha/h, this machine is the performance booster of your harvest chain. Running on a wide wheel base and steered via an articulated steering system, this high-capacity rake offers an enormous agility and very easy manoeuvring.

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Product features

KRONE side delivery rotary rakes
KRONE side delivery rotary rakes

The KRONE Swadro S and TS line-up of rotary rakes offers the largest choice of side delivery rakes in the market. Our programme comprises an unmatched number of models and variants – from the single-rotor rakes for non-contiguous fields all the way up to the Swadro TS 970, the world’s most unique three-rotor rake for maximum productivity and harvester capacities.

The pull-type and cardanic design
The pull-type and cardanic design
  • „ 3D contouring in any direction
  • „ Best possible 3D contouring for all tines
  • „ Clean forage, no losses
    3D contouring
    3D contouring

    The rotors suspend in a pull-type and cardanic configuration which provides exact guidance to the tines and optimum contouring – both in and across the direction of travel. This way the tines pick up every haulm but not a single grain of sand. Uncontaminated forage, minimum loss rates and high work rates – this is the Swadro definition of quality work.

    The KRONE Jet Effect
    The KRONE Jet Effect

    The KRONE Jet Effect ensures the tines will not dig into the ground when the rotors lower and lift. Emulating the touch-down and take-off behaviour of an airplane, The clever design of the rotor suspension ensures there is always a maximum of clear space between the tine and the sward when the rotor lifts and lowers out and into work – an intelligent system that helps protect the sward and avoids crop contamination.

    Pulling not pushing
    Pulling not pushing

    The Swadro rotors are pulled in direction of travel. Its pull-type suspension in combination its central arrangement allows the rotor to stay level when lifting and lowering. Its weight is uniformly distributed to all gauge wheels, ensuring optimum contouring and minimizing contamination and losses.

    The Swadro rotor gearbox
    The Swadro rotor gearbox
    • Hermetically sealed and maintenance-free rotor gearboxes
    • Fuel-efficient gear ratio
    • Permanently fluid greased

      The Swadro rotor gearbox is powerful and yet frugal in terms of tractor power. Thanks to its large gear ratio, Swadro requires only low pto speeds at minimum wear. Compared to other swathing systems, Swadro rotary rakes stand out for low input power and great fuel economy.

      Rugged build
      Rugged build

      No matter how difficult the conditions, the Swadro rotor gearboxes deliver reliable performance and great stability without any servicing or maintenance. Count on these qualities.

      No downtime
      No downtime

      The weather sets the pace in forage harvesting. Maintenance- free and permanently liquid greased rotor gearboxes make the KRONE Swadro a very reliable partner in your harvest campaign. Swadro is always ready to go, ensuring dependable operation in narrow harvest windows. No time is wasted on service stops, come rain or harvester.

      The DuraMax cam track
      The DuraMax cam track
      • Maintenance-free
      • Special Bainite hardness
      • Dry-running and steep cam track with small diameter
        Steep and small-diameter cam track
        Steep and small-diameter cam track

        Stand-out features of our DuraMax cam track is the extremely small diameter and steep track design. It is this unique design and its effect that lead to the formation of optimum swaths in all conditions. The small diameter of the cam track combines with the massive size of the rollers for smooth and low-wear operation. As the tine arms follow the steep curve the tines are promptly lifted out of work, forming boxy and optimum swaths in all conditions.

        The unique DuraMax cam track
        The unique DuraMax cam track

        The KRONE cam track features the unique Bainite structure which is obtained by a special hardening process. Accordingly, this cam track has a very durable surface and yet a flexible core, a combination that results in low wear. This type of coating also reduces rolling resistance for reduced friction, wear and power input.

        The Swadro tine arms
        The Swadro tine arms
        • Full driveline protection
        • Neighbouring discs will not collide
        • Wear-free
        • Quick replacement of the roll pins, lowest costs

          You­ know­ it­ too­ well­ –­ foreign­ objects­ can­ cause great damage and costly repairs. KRONE SafeCut­offers­a­maximum­of­protection­and­ peace of mind. The system which comes as standard­specification­offers­a­unique­level­of­ disc protection and functionality.

          Changeovers from transport to field are a matter of minutes
          Changeovers from transport to field are a matter of minutes

          Some KRONE Swadro models have foldable tine arms either as a standard feature or an option for reduced transport heights. This unique folding mechanism reduces the transport height and width in a matter of minutes without requiring the operator to remove the arms and carry them to their holder on the machine, reducing the strain on the operator and saving time and money when changing fields. Belleville springs inside the arms connect the two parts reliably and fast, a solution that eliminates potential wear of a locking pin or hole. At the same time, the connection is gap-free and very durable to give reliable operation in many harvest seasons.

          The tine arms
          The tine arms

          Each tine arm is controlled by its control shaft that is manufactured to precision-fit tolerances for exact fit in the control arm and precision tine control as the arm follows the cam track. It is this design that leads to those clean and lossfree rakes. Each tine arm is mounted on two ball bearings inside the hub plate. The two bearings are spaced wide for stable and smooth control of the shaft as well as reduced wear and higher work rates. The main part of the tine arm is the thick-walled and maintenance-free tube which is permanently and wear-free connected to the control shaft for reliable tine control without play. This is the secret behind optimum tine control and quality rakes.

          The KRONE Lift Tine
          The KRONE Lift Tine
          • Clean forage thanks to the Lift Effect
          • High work rates and no fragmentation
          • Improved forage quality
          • Reduced rake losses

          All current KRONE Swadro models have the KRONE Lift Tines as standard specification. Kinked in two positions, these tines offer significant benefits that have been verified in KRONE field tests and a DLG Focus Test.

          DLG confirms: Less contamination and fewer losses in the raking pass
          DLG confirms: Less contamination and fewer losses in the raking pass

          DLG confirms: Less contamination and fewer losses in the raking pass

          • We place greatest importance on clean forage and an excellent raking
            quality. Therefore, we seek scientific evidence in confirmation to our
            visual assessments.
          • Consequently, we submitted the KRONE
            Lift Tines to a DLG Focus Test
            in order to assess the level of crop contamination and rake quality and
            compare the results with other tine systems
          • The results were indeed very clear: The KRONE
            Lift Tines reduce crop contamination
            with raw ash to levels of less than 9% - at any forward speed.
          • In addition, the special design of the tine reduces losses by up to 2.1%
            compared with other systems. Losses never reach 1.5% of the total crop
            yield, not even when work rates are high.
          The double kink trick
          The double kink trick

          For more than 10 years, the KRONE Lift Tine has convinced our customers around the world in terms of quality forage and rakes. Kinked in two positions, the vertical tine lifts the material clear off the ground. This is the secret behind producing clean forage in difficult conditions.The Lift Effect sees the grass moving up the length of the tine. Even extremely wet and heavy material will not bend the tines which are up to 10.5 mm thick and are coiled around large-diameter arms for greatest stability and tidiest rakes.

          The bogies on the KRONE Swadro rakes
          The bogies on the KRONE Swadro rakes
          • Gauge wheels on high flotation tyres run very close to the tines
          • The largest wheelbase on the market
          • Adjuster changes the rotor angle across the direction of travel for optimum swaths and loss-free rakes.
          • Caster steer wheels at front and rear (option) protect the sward

          The wheels under the KRONE Swadro rotors never lose contact with the ground, not even the roughest terrain. The largest possible contact area and pivoting range in combination with suitable tyres ensures no blade is left on the sward and the sward is not damaged. Clean and intact swards are the cornerstone for top quality forage also from the next cut.

          Slightly tilted for greatest efficiency
          Slightly tilted for greatest efficiency

          An optimum rotor tilt across the direction of travel translates into minimal losses and boxy swaths. All Swadro rotors tilt as a standard feature. The lateral tilt controls the position of the tines relative to the ground and is set on the rear wheels of each rotor. In fact, the rotor should tilt slightly towards the swath in order to balance out the load the material puts on the tines. KRONE recommends a 1-2 cm tilt toward the swath.

          Excellent rides
          Excellent rides

          The guide wheels on the bogies run very close to the tines for effective guidance and contouring. As the wheels cover a large surface area, the tines pick up every single blade without contacting the sward. In addition, every model has individual setting options that help adjust the bogies to the specific conditions. The leading wheels are castering. High flotation tyres are options for soft and boggy terrain and two extra wheels are available for each rotor for work in very rough pastures.

          Extraordinary simplicity
          Extraordinary simplicity
          • Mounted in the three-point linkage and offering 3.80 m to 4.60 m working widths
          • nique caster-steered headstock with patented lower link couplers offers two attachment options
          • A level of operator comfort and setup accuracy that is second-to-none

          The Swadro S single-rotor rakes with 3.80 m, 4.20 m and 4.60 m working widths stand out for great longevity and reliability but also in terms of operator comfort and convenient setup. Their remarkable level of reliability and longevity is attributed to their durable drive components that are sourced from the KRONE high-output rakes. Also, the compact Swadro S build offers the best possible view of the rotors and the swath whilst the precise and convenient setting options make for easiest use and optimum results.

          Easy adaptation
          Easy adaptation

          Increase the space between the tractor and the headstock by repositioning the coupling pins, which is an easy job and simply takes swinging them into the long coupling position. In this coupling option, the tractor and rake form a nimble combination – even if the tractor is a high-horsepower machine or runs on high wheels.

          Short and sweet
          Short and sweet

          All three Swadro S rakes couple to short lower link arms, which brings them close to the tractor and shifts up to 10% more weight to the front axle than regular single-rotor rakes do. As such, these rakes are also suitable for running behind small and compact tractors.

          Quatre possibilités d'attelage
          Quatre possibilités d'attelage

          All Swadro S single-rotor rakes offer as many as four coupling options for the top link – three round holes that suit various tractor ends plus one slot that ensures optimum ground following of models that have the leading gauge wheel.

          Unique coupling system
          Unique coupling system

          Featuring the patented KRONE tractor attachment, the Swadro S single- rotor rakes are mounted in the rear linkage. The robust tube steel headstock offers storage positions for the pto shaft and the electric line. It makes coupling an easy job as all operations are carried out on the left side of the machine. Its flexible connection to the main beam plus the balancing arm and damper struts automatically align the Swadro S single- rotor rake centrally behind the tractor.

          Swadro S 380, S 420, S 460
          Swadro S 380, S 420, S 460
          • Great agility and best tracking thanks to the tracking mechanism and balancing arm
          • Mechanical or hydraulic dampers provide powerful and yet gentle alignment centrally behind the tractor
          • The KRONE Jet Effect controls the tines during life-out and touch-down
          • Standard four-wheel running gear for treading softly on big flotation tyres
          • Leading gauge wheel is an option for perfect contour following in uneven terrain

          The Swadro single-rotor rakes deliver outstanding results. The damper struts, the balancing arm and the pull-type configuration of the rotors combine and interact for optimum castering. The wheels are clad with big flotation tyres and run in close vicinity to the tines for accurate contour following. This is the formula for raking up every single blade of grass without damaging the turf.

          Effective in every respect
          Effective in every respect

          The Swadro S rotors run on four wheels as standard. With the wheels running in close vicinity to the tines, these are able to follow any contour without raking up sand or dirt or damaging the sward. This is the perfect formula for high-quality forage. An additional and optional gauge wheel can enhance contouring even further.

          Gentle and yet powerful
          Gentle and yet powerful

          You can also choose hydraulic damping for Swadro S, which comes into its own in very hilly and difficult terrain and ensures stability in sloping fields whilst maintaining your output levels high.

          Mechanical dampers
          Mechanical dampers

          Mechanical damping rods are standard specification on the Swadro S single-rotor rakes. These are spring-loaded dampers that ensure the rake tracks reliably behind the tractor when making a turn and automaticallyalign the machine centrally behind the tractor.

          Lifting out without poking
          Lifting out without poking

          Built to the same design as the high-capacity rakes with transport running gears and pivoting headstocks, the Swadro S models benefit from the same Jet Effect as their bigger siblings. Consequently, the Swadro S single-rotor rakes produce the same clean forage as our high-capacity rakes and, like these, they leave the sward intact.

          Clever castering properties
          Clever castering properties

          The caster-steered headstock tracks accurately behind the tractor as this is making the turn. Thanks to the intelligent balancing arm you also manage tight headland in awkwardly shaped fields without a hitch. The damper struts eliminate tailing and ensure straight and uniform swaths. Also, the machine centres itself exactly and automatically behind the tractor as it is being raised. This also eliminates a separate transport locking system.

          Swadro S single-rotor rakes
          Swadro S single-rotor rakes
          • Down-to-the millimetre rotor height settings and accurate scales
          • Convenient curtain fold-up mechnism takes out the hard work
          • Foldable tine arms feature wear-free and gapless joints

          The Swadro S single-rotor rakes stand out for ease of operation. For example, work height and swath width are changed on the left side of the rake or even from the cab as an option. The tine arms are foldable and need not removing and storing into transport position so changeovers from field to road are fast and easy.

          Hydraulic curtain
          Hydraulic curtain

          The swathing curtain can be operated hydraulically from a double-acting spool which lowers the curtain into work and then extends it to the desired swathing width. This routine is reversed when the curtain is raised out of work. The ram features end of stroke cushioning which makes the foulding routing soft and gentle.

          Spring-assisted folding
          Spring-assisted folding

          On entry-level machines, the curtain is manually folded and extended into the required swathing width, which is assisted by a spring. In addition, folding releases a torsion resistance mechanism on the rotor, protecting this from operator errors.

          Electric convenience
          Electric convenience

          An electric height control is also available which allows you to change the rotor height from the cab. The current setting is displayed on the in-cab screen and quickly adapted without dismounting – a feature that saves valuable time.

          Accurate height control
          Accurate height control

          The working height is easily set on a manual crank that sets the height down to the millimetre for accurate ground contouring. The current height is indicated on the scale, eliminating awkward measurements and ensuring the rake is set exactly to the cutting height of the mower.

          Trailed single-rotor rakes
          Trailed single-rotor rakes
          • Wide working width
          • Low power input
          • Parallel-linkage controlled drawbar
          • Tandem axle with 18″ tyres as standard

          With the trailed Swadro S 460 DB single-rotor rake
          from KRONE,
          big things can be achieved with
          small tractors. Thanks to the special shape of
          the attachment to the tractor and the rotor
          chassis, which also serves as a transport chassis,
          there is only a very low drawbar load when
          the machine is lifted, minimising the load on
          the front axle. This means that even small and
          light tractors can be integrated effectively
          into the harvesting process.

          Low power input
          Low power input

          It is not pto power that limits the output of a single-rotor rake but the risk of too little load on the tractor's front axle when the machine is lifted out of work. As a trailed machine, the Swadro S 460 DB offers the right solution here and also enables the use of smaller and lighter tractors on slopes. The Swadro S 460 DB impresses with its low power requirement.

          Lifting the rotors hydraulically
          Lifting the rotors hydraulically

          Setting the working height is easy and precise. The working height is set using an adjustable support on the running gear. An indicator scale can be used to precisely set the working height.

          The drawbar
          The drawbar

          The machine is coupled to the tractor via the drawbar. A parallelogram control system ensures that the hitch always remains straight when lifting and lowering. The rotors are lifted hydraulically via a cylinder directly on the running gear and via a cylinder between the height-adjustable drawbar and the frame. These are perfectly coordinated so that a jet effect is created when the rotor is lifted and lowered. This prevents the tines from digging into the ground, keeps the forage clean and the sward intact.

          Safe ride on public roads
          Safe ride on public roads

          To produce clean swath edges and prevent raking losses even with high forage volumes, the rotor transversal inclination can be set directly on the running gear. To optimally compensate for the deflection of the tines, the inclination of the rotor can be precisely adjusted using a spindle.

          The gauge wheel
          The gauge wheel

          Thanks to its standard self-steering design, the guide wheel ensures that the tines are reliably guided in height. This not only prevents raw ash from entering the forage, but also effectively prevents damage to the sward. The result: premium forage quality, even in the subsequent cut.

          The tandem axle
          The tandem axle

          The Swadro S 460 DB rotor chassis is equipped with tandem axles and 18" super-balloon tyres as standard. This results in safe road transport up to 40 km/h and the largest possible scanning range of the ground in the field. The seven folding tine arms, fitted as standard, allow the machine to be quickly and easily brought to a transport width of less than 3 m, so that a field change can be completed quickly.

          KRONE Easy-Line drive concept
          KRONE Easy-Line drive concept
          • A controlled material flow through the machine for best rakes
          • Boosted outputs from the forage wagon, baler or forager
          • No roping for maximum harvester performance

          ­The KRONE Easy-Line increases rotor rpm on the leading units by about 10% compared with the rear units, so the leading rotors present the material in a wider mat to the ones at the rear which rake it into fluffy and boxy swaths. The Easy Line driveline ensures the material doesn’t drop back on the ground once it has been picked up.

          Mechanical and effective
          Mechanical and effective

          The KRONE Swadro side delivery rakes have purely mechanical drivelines where every rotor is individually protected from overload. The drive power flows reliably to all rotors, thanks to the special arrangement of the driveshafts – a design that also ensures low-power consumption.

          Twin-rotor side delivery model
          Twin-rotor side delivery model
          • Single and double swathing
          • Right-hand swath presentation
          • Variable work width
          • Hydraulic crop deflector adjustment
          • 13 tine arms per rotor

          Featuring as many as 13 tines, this KRONE 710/26 T twin-rotor side delivery rake not only offers excellent value for money but also the cleanest rakes. Swadro 710/26 T forms single and double swaths as well as two narrow swaths side by side.

          Convenient for operators
          Convenient for operators

          The hydraulic curtain control on the rear rotor is operated conveniently from the cab, allowing you to adapt the swath width accurately, easily and conveniently and retracting the curtain into transport position.


          The sturdy box section beam absorbs any stress and strain, offering great stability when travelling at speed and working in difficult terrain.

          An ideal combination
          An ideal combination

          Leading gauge wheels combine with the cardanic rotor suspension for perfect rotor control These castering and height adjustable wheels can also be offset to one side depending on the crop volume.

          Levelling the machine
          Levelling the machine

          The front crank alters the tilt of the frame, which adapts this to the current working width. When raising the frame, the front cylinder lifts the front end first so the tines won’t poke into the sward.

          Approved for 40 km/h
          Approved for 40 km/h

          Approved for 40 km/h (25 mph): Quick travel between fields save unproductive time und helps boost your daily output. The wide tandem axles and 18" wheels provide the proper gear to achieve just that.

          Perfect for right-hand presentation
          Perfect for right-hand presentation

          The cab controls are arranged on the right-hand side in the cab for maximum operator convenience.

          Forming one double swath
          Forming one double swath

          Forming double windrows: Raking 12.40 m (40'8") into one double windrow

          Swathing all material to the left, forming a twin swath
          Swathing all material to the left, forming a twin swath

          This mode of swathing is selected to tailor swath sizes to small harvester capacities and in leafy crops and for making night windrows.

          Shifting the rear rotors left/right
          Shifting the rear rotors left/right

          Operators can quickly shift the rear rotor to the side by operating a ram which allows you to disturb all material.

          Swathing all material to the right, forming one single swath
          Swathing all material to the right, forming one single swath

          This is the swath presentation that suits high-capacity harvesters and light crops The working width is varied by operating a hydraulic cylinder.

          Adjusting the side angle
          Adjusting the side angle

          Adjusting the rotor's lateral tilt is easy from this threaded spindle so that the rotors will also pick up the extra material that is building up on the curtain.

          The tandem axle
          The tandem axle

          A wide wheelbase with 18" tyres provides excellent contouring. The wide wheelbase of the front axle provides optimum stability in sloping terrain. The working height is adjusted via these pin setting systems.

          Attaching to a pivoting or linkage drawbar
          Attaching to a pivoting or linkage drawbar

          The drawbar – floating drawbar or linkage drawbar – is height-adjustable and the hitch ring is controlled by a parallel linkage. The hydraulic ram on the drawbar maintains the leading rotor parallel to the ground as it is lifted and lowered.

          The trailed twin-rotor side delivery rakes
          The trailed twin-rotor side delivery rakes
          • Flexible swathing – single swaths, double swaths and twin swaths
          • The sequence controlled rotors lift clear off the ground for stress-free headland turns
          • Individual rotor lift-out as an option for perfect rakes in corners
          • Extremely compact in transport thanks to a unique frame design

          The trailed KRONE Swadro TS side-delivery rakes work at widths between 6.20 m (20'4") and 7.40 m (24'3") presenting the crop in single and double swaths. The Twin version forms twin swaths as standard specification. As a result, the machine covers work widths between 6.92 m (22'8") and 8.20 m (26'11").

          Swift and safe travel
          Swift and safe travel

          Swift and safe travel: The great chassis stability gives all Swadro TS rakes excellent tracking even at higher speeds.

          A very nimble machine
          A very nimble machine

          All Swadro TS and TS Twin models have a ball bearing that links the two-point headstock and the chassis. A rod controls the Ackermann steering system when the machine in travelling through curves. This gives Swadro outstanding agility and allows it to enter and rake up awkward patches without shunting. No hay is left behind.

          Altering the track width
          Altering the track width

          If the wheels are fitted with slim tyres, it will be possible to expand the track width by 6 cm (2.4"). Simply fit a spacer tube on the wheel arms and move each wheel out by 3 cm.

          Choice of tyres
          Choice of tyres

          Choose between two tyre specifications. All Swadro TS and TS Twin can be fitted with 11.5/80- 15.3/10 PR (left photo) or 15.0/55-17/10 PR (right photo) tyres. The former provide good traction on softer ground whereas the latter are best for work in sloping fields. The transport position does not exceed 2.90 metres.

          Convenient transport height
          Convenient transport height

          The machine folds to a transport height of less than 4 m (13'2"), with arms moving up hydraulically and the curtain on the side lowering automatically.

          Side-mounted main gearboxes and coil springs
          Side-mounted main gearboxes and coil springs

          The two main gearboxes were moved clear away from the centre of the machine, which ensures the drive shafts run smoothly at all times, also in headland position. In work, strong coil springs shift the weight of the rotors to the main beam and the undercarriage, thereby taking load off the rotors.

          High-stability frame with a generous ground clearance
          High-stability frame with a generous ground clearance

          Large-diameter tube steel gives the chassis and the main beam a particular strength. The generous ground clearance and enormous lift-out height of the rotors give the machine a ground clearance of up to 50 cm leaving big windrows undisturbed.

          Consistent ends
          Consistent ends

          Consistent ends: A hydraulic sequence control raises the leading rotor first and then the rear rotor into the headland position. The relevant hydraulic spools for the sequencing are controlled mechanically from a shifter in a robust gate. The delay between raising the front and the rear arm can be customised by the operator.

          Height control and independent lift-out electrically from the cab
          Height control and independent lift-out electrically from the cab

          The height of the rotors can be controlled electrically as an option to adapt to varying conditions. It is operated from a cabbased control box from where the operator controls two servomotors which set the rotor height on the move and down to the millimetre. As an option it also raises only one rotor out of work for optimum rakes and output.

          Manual rotor height control
          Manual rotor height control

          Manual rotor height control: The base specification model has its work height controlled steplessly from a crank that is arranged conveniently on the outside of the rotor. A large scale indicates the current position and allows easy adjustment so that both rotors can be set very accurately and down to the millimetre.

          Easy-use crop deflectors
          Easy-use crop deflectors

          When the outrigger arms are moved to twin position, the front swath cloth automatically folds into working position by hydraulic action whereas the swath cloth at the rear swings automatically into working position as the rotor lowers into work. It is also possible to adjust the rear curtain with respect to its work height, its alignment in direction of travel and distance to the rotor.

          Quick changeover to twin swathing
          Quick changeover to twin swathing

          Quick changeover to making two windrows: Changing Swadro TS Twin from single swathing to twin swathing is easy and straightforward. Simply telescope the two arms to accommodate the second swath.

          TS Twin for twin swathing
          TS Twin for twin swathing

          TS Twin for twin swathing: Swadro TS Twin has telescoping arms as standard. An optional crop deflector is available to complement the twin swathing specification.

          Forming a double swath
          Forming a double swath

          Forming a double swath: Raking up two separate swaths in one up and down operation, Swadro TS covers a work width of up to 15 m (49'3"). Double swathing is a very effective method to fully exploit the intake capacities of powerful harvest machines.

          Forming one single swath
          Forming one single swath

          The Swadro TS models can be adapted to the crop conditions and the intake capacity of the following harvester. Single swaths are ideal in high-yielding crops and when using balers or small forage wagons.

          The triple-rotor side delivery rake
          The triple-rotor side delivery rake
          • 9.70 m (31'10") work width for highest work rates
          • Electric work height control and height indicator
          • Hydraulic caster control for optimum road stability

          Raking nearly 20 metres into one double windrow, the KRONE Swadro TS 970 is the ideal match for a high-capacity precision-chop forage harvester. Offering stunning work rates of up to 10 ha/h, this machine is the performance booster in your harvest chain. A wide wheel base and Ackermann steering give this high-capacity rake an enormous agility and very easy shunting.

          BiG M and Swadro TS 970 - the perfect match
          BiG M and Swadro TS 970 - the perfect match

          In this type of harvest chain, no crop is run on, because the tractor that is pulling the Swadro TS 970 runs in the wheelings of the KRONE BiG M high-capacity mower conditioner.

          The transport position
          The transport position

          The three rotors change quickly into transport position. The central rotor measures less than 3.00 m in diameter and so its tine arms are not folded to achieve a good transport height.

          Smooth crop flow
          Smooth crop flow

          The front and centre rotors, each with 13 tine arms, rotate at a higher speed than the rear rotor. This means that the forage is placed as wide as possible in front of the slower rotating rear rotor. With its 13 tine arms, each with 5 double tines, the rear rotor forms loose and untangled swaths, allowing the downstream harvester to be used to its full capacity.

          The Ackerman steering system
          The Ackerman steering system

          A hydraulic cylinder on the headstock (left photo) alters the steering angle of the running gear in an easy and convenient way (right photo). This Ackermann steering system makes for optimum castering and agile turns.

          Hydraulic curtain control
          Hydraulic curtain control

          As an option, the swathing curtain on the TS 970 folds hydraulically into a parking position for double swaths. The curtain is folded automatically when the rotors fold into transport position to reduce the transport height to less than 4 m. It resumes its previous position when the rake is lowered into work.

          The electric height control system
          The electric height control system

          As conditions may vary within one field it is essential to adapt the working height instantly. The working height of each rotor can be adjusted separately by pressing a button on the operation box and can be read on the display.


          Swadro S-TS
          Swadro S 380 Swadro S 420 Swadro S 460 Swadro 38 T Swadro 42 T Swadro S 460 DB Swadro 710/26 T Swadro TS 970 Swadro TS 620 Swadro TS 620 Twin Swadro TS 680 Swadro TS 680 Twin Swadro TS 740 Swadro TS 740 Twin
          Type single rotor rakes single rotor rakes single rotor rakes single rotor rakes single rotor rakes single rotor rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes three-rotor rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes twin rotor side delivery rakes configure
          Attachment three-point attachment three-point attachment three-point attachment Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar Drawbar configure
          Working width (m) in double-swath forming mode - - - - - - 2 x 3.40 - - 2 x 3,46 (6,92 m) - 2 x 3,80 (7,60m) - 2 x 4,10 (8,20m) configure
          Swath width (m) 0.60 - 1.30 0.80 - 1.50 0.80 - 1.80 0.60 - 1.30 0.80 - 1.50 0.80 - 1.80 0.80 - 1.40 1.00 - 1.80 1.10 - 1.60 1.10 - 1.60 1.10 - 1.60 1.10 - 1.60 1.20 - 1.60 1.20 - 1.60 configure
          Working width (m) 3.80 4.20 4.60 3.80 4.20 4.60 6.20 9.70 6.20 6.20 6.80 6.80 7.40 7.40 configure
          Rotor diameter (m) 2.96 3.30 3.60 2.96 3.30 3.60 2.00 2.00 2.96 2.96 3.30 3.30 3.60 3.60 configure
          No. of tine arms per rotor 10 13 13 10 13 13 2 x 13 3 x 13 10 / 13 10 / 13 2 x 13 2 x 13 2 x 13 2 x 13 configure
          Input power (kW/hp) 22 / 31 37 / 50 37 / 50 19 / 25 22 / 31 22 / 31 37 / 50 59 / 80 37 / 50 37 / 50 37 / 50 37 / 50 37 / 50 37 / 50 configure
          configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure configure

          For maximum productivity and harvester capacities

          The KRONE Swadro S | TS side delivery rotary rakes

          KRONE Landmaschinen

          KRONE Landmaschinen

          KRONE Landmaschinen


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