5 years of mykrone.green
mykrone.green, the KRONE customer portal, is celebrating its 5-year anniversary, which has been met with great interest…
KRONE SILOKING smaXtec Best Practise Project
Small CO2 footprint for the milk
Krone, Siloking and smaXtec demonstrate in a joint project how milk production can be optimised using innovative…
agrarheute 06-2024: MERGING BELTS OR AUGERS?
Groupers reduce the number of passes in silage making.
Groupers increase the control of the wilting process.
Only few manufacturers produce mowers…
Krone Butterfly mower breaks the 1000 mark
Krone has written another page in its success story with the EasyCut B 950 Collect, having produced a thousand units.
Krone offers a bale clamp for its VariPack-balers that prevents the bale from rolling away out of control, thereby increasing efficiency, especially…
Jürgen Hölscher new member of the Supervisory Board of the Krone Group
Expanding expertise for stability and sustainable growth
XtraBlatt – The KRONE customer magazine 2024-02
The latest issue of the KRONE XtraBlatt is here. You can browse through it on screen or download it.
Krone GX 520 AgriLiner now available in combination with lorry
Krone now offers its tried and tested GX transport system in combination with a lorry: At the DeLuTa, the trade fair in Bremen for German contractors,…
Pellet production in the field and yard
The KRONE Premos efficiently transforms straw into versatile pellets – ideal for biogas, bedding, and feed. Contractor Elmar Dohmann shares his…