agrarheute 06-2024: MERGING BELTS OR AUGERS?
Groupers reduce the number of passes in silage making.
Groupers increase the control of the wilting process.
Only few manufacturers produce mowers…
XtraBlatt – The KRONE customer magazine 2024-02
The latest issue of the KRONE XtraBlatt is here. You can browse through it on screen or download it.
Pellet production in the field and yard
The KRONE Premos efficiently transforms straw into versatile pellets – ideal for biogas, bedding, and feed. Contractor Elmar Dohmann shares his…
In the dairy barn at the Grub State Farm, cow comfort is a top priority. Thanks to new solutions like absorbent structural pellets and joint-friendly…
The EasyCut R450 mower was specifically designed for farmers looking for a cost-effective alternative to triple mower combinations. When paired with a…
profi 06.2024: Belt and braces trailer?
A jack of all trades. That is Krone’s promise for its GX trailer with its belt-based moving floor. We used it to shift all sorts of farming materials…
XtraBlatt – The KRONE customer magazine 2024-01
Please find the latest edition of the KRONE customer magazine XtraBlatt for download.
profi 4-2023: KRONE Smart Telematics
Where exactly are the machines? What work activities have they performed? What is the best way to transport the bales? All these questions are…
profi 11-2023: Smart Connect Solar
Rather than ringfence its data logging SmartConnect, Krone is opening the door to fit the solar-powered Unit to machines from Other manufacturers. So,…